Classic Computer Magazine Archive PROGRAM LISTING: 89-10a/CNTANL.M65

30 ; (c) 1989, ANTIC PUBLISHING
40 ;
60 ;The buffer is a string address passed to the routine (BTNK).
70 ; 4 bytes per entry:
80 ; Lo, Hi of line number (counter).
90 ; Lo, Hi of count.
0100 ;
0110 MEMPTR = $CB    ;Memory pointer.
0120 SRCH =  $CD     ;Search pointer.
0130 AMOUNT = $CF    ;Number to bottlenecks to get.
0140 PBSAV = $D0     ;PORTB save location.
0150 LAST =  $D4     ;Last highest bottleneck.
0160 COUNT = $DA     ;Line # counter.
0170 ADSAV = $DC     ;Search address save location.
0180 BTNK =  $DE     ;Bottleneck string address pointer.
0190 MAYB =  $E0     ;Holder for a possibility.
0200 PORTB = $D301   ;For bank selection.
0210 ;
0220     *=  $9A00
0230 ;
0240 ;  This sorts through all the
0250 ; counters in extended RAM and
0260 ; send the specified number of
0270 ; entries to the buffer for a
0280 ; report to the user.
0290 ;
0300     PLA 
0310     PLA         ;Get the passed
0320     STA BTNK+1  ;string address.
0330     STA ADSAV+1 ;For search.
0340     PLA 
0350     STA BTNK
0360     STA ADSAV
0370     PLA         ;Get number of
0380     PLA         ;bottlenecks to
0390     STA AMOUNT  ;find.
0400     LDA PORTB   ;Save PORTB.
0410     STA PBSAV
0430     LDA #0      ;Start from 0
0440     STA COUNT   ;and go through
0450     STA COUNT+1 ;32767.
0460     STA LAST+2  ;Clear last
0470     STA LAST+3  ;bottleneck.
0480 CHECK
0490     LDA COUNT   ;Move counter
0500     STA MEMPTR  ;to pointer.
0510     LDA COUNT+1
0520     ASL A       ;Multiply by
0530     CLC         ;two to get
0540     ASL MEMPTR  ;address in
0550     ADC #0      ;extended RAM.
0560     CMP #$40
0570     BCS SB1     ;Select bank 0?
0580     LDY #0
0590     BEQ SELC
0600 SB1 CMP #$80    ;Select bank 1?
0610     BCS SB2
0620     LDY #1
0630     BNE SELC
0640 SB2 CMP #$C0    ;Select bank 2?
0650     BCS SB3
0660     LDY #2
0670     BNE SELC
0680 SB3 LDY #3      ;Select bank 3.
0690 SELC AND #$3F
0700     ORA #$40    ;Find counter
0710     STA MEMPTR+1 ;in RAM.
0720     TYA 
0730     ASL A       ;Bank * 4 + 193.
0740     ASL A
0750     CLC 
0760     ADC #193
0770     STA PORTB
0780     LDY #1
0790     LDA (MEMPTR),Y ;Check count.
0800     BNE NOTZ
0810     DEY         ;Equal zero?
0820     LDA (MEMPTR),Y
0830     BEQ NEXT    ;If so, ignore.
0840     INY 
0850 NOTZ
0860     LDA (MEMPTR),Y ;Is this
0870     STA MAYB+3  ;counter greater
0880     CMP LAST+3  ;than the last?
0890     BCC NEXT
0900     BNE SEEK    ;Yes.
0910     DEY 
0920     LDA (MEMPTR),Y ;Check lo
0930     CMP LAST+2  ;byte.
0940     BCC NEXT    ;No.
0950 SEEK LDY #0     ;Load lo byte
0960     LDA (MEMPTR),Y ;if not done.
0970     STA MAYB+2
0980     LDA COUNT+1
0990     STA MAYB+1  ;Store counter.
1000     LDA COUNT
1010     STA MAYB    ;Save it.
1020     LDA PBSAV   ;Switch back to
1030     STA PORTB   ;normal memory.
1040     LDA ADSAV   ;Restore search
1050     STA SRCH    ;address.
1060     LDA ADSAV+1
1070     STA SRCH+1  ;See if counter
1080 LOOK LDY #0     ;is already in
1090     LDA (SRCH),Y ;the string.
1100     CMP MAYB    ;Lo bytes =?
1110     BNE FAIL
1120     INY 
1130     LDA (SRCH),Y
1140     CMP MAYB+1  ;Hi bytes =?
1150     BEQ NEXT
1160 FAIL
1170     LDA #4      ;Check next
1180     CLC         ;entry.
1190     ADC SRCH
1200     STA SRCH
1210     BCC *+4
1220     INC SRCH+1
1230     LDY #0      ;End of string?
1240     LDA #$FF
1250     CMP (SRCH),Y
1260     BNE LOOK
1270     INY 
1280     CMP (SRCH),Y
1290     BNE LOOK
1300     LDX #3      ;Move MAYB to
1320     STA LAST,X
1330     DEX 
1340     BPL MML
1350 NEXT LDA PBSAV  ;Switch back to
1360     STA PORTB   ;normal memory.
1370     INC COUNT   ;Increment to
1380     BNE NXT     ;the next
1390     INC COUNT+1 ;counter.
1400     BMI *+5     ;Count=32768?
1420     LDY #3      ;Store the
1430 STR LDA LAST,Y  ;counter and
1440     STA (BTNK),Y ;number to the
1450     DEY         ;string.
1460     BPL STR
1470     LDA BTNK    ;Add four to
1480     CLC         ;bottleneck
1490     ADC #4      ;string address.
1500     STA BTNK
1510     BCC *+4
1520     INC BTNK+1
1530     DEC AMOUNT
1540     BEQ *+5     ;Done?
1550     JMP ANALYZE ;Find next one.
1560     RTS         ;All done, exit.

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