Classic Computer Magazine Archive ST-Log ISSUE 30 / APRIL 1989 / PAGE 10


HP printer drivers

Neocept Inc., makers of WordUp, a GEM-based word processor, and Fontz!, a GEM font editor, has released a printer driver for Hewlett-Packard LaserJet and DeskJet printers that will provide quality printouts from most any program that uses GDOS. The TurboJet driver comes with instructions for use with WordUp, Timeworks Publisher ST, Microsoft Write and Easy Draw, and Neocept claims that the driver cuts print time by as much as 50%. The driver also includes a draft mode that allows rough printouts at five to seven times the normal speed. TurboJet requires a one-megabyte ST and a double-sided disk drive, and retails for $39.95.

Neocept, Inc.
547 Constitution, Unit A
Camarillo, CA 93010
(805) 482-4446


The suggested retail price of the ICD FA-ST Tape Backup is $899.95.