Leisure Suit Larry Is back
Just when everyone thought it was safe to play adventure games again, Sierra announced Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking For Love (In Several Wrong Places). If nothing else this game wins the coveted longest-software-title award.
This time around Larry has hit it big in the lottery and takes a romantic cruise, visiting several tropical resorts. But, as we all know, nothing ever goes right for poor Larry and spies from several nations make sure that this adventure doesn't change that streak of luck.
The author, AI Lowe, who reportedly spent several months researching this new story, says, "I included in this game every resort and cruise I've enjoyed, so the IRS would let me write off my last three vacations."
The game was programmed using Sierra's new development system, Sierra Creative Interpreter (SCI), which allows a full 320 × 200 graphics resolution and improved musical sound tracks that can be routed to a Roland MT-32 sound generator or a Casio keyboard. Future Sierra adventures, including Police Quest II and Space Quest III, also will be developed with SCI.
Sierra On-line, Inc.
Coarsegold, CA 93614
(209) 683-4468