Information-it's the lifeblood of any business, whether it's lists of customers, inventory statistics or sales details-and keeping track of that information is what database management software is all about. START database maven Dave Plotkin looks at how an ST database manager can help your business work better-and exactly what nine of the top programs can do for you!
A database is really just a collection of information, organized to make it easy to retrieve and process. A database manager is the program that lets you make use of that information.
The information in a database is usually arranged into records. Each record contains several pieces of related data, each in its own field. Don't be confused by the jargon-it's simpler than you think. For example, one of the most familiar non-computerized databases is an address book. Each page of the book has someone's name, street address, city, state, zip code and phone number. In database jargon, each page of the address book is one record. Each individual piece of information on each page-the phone number, for example-has its own field.
What makes a computerized database better than an ordinary address book is the ability to rearrange the information. Want to find all your acquaintances who live in Ohio? With an address book, you'd have to page through the entire book, checking the state where each person lives. With a computerized database, you can get the computer to do the work-automatically selecting just the people who live in Ohio and then listing them in alphabetical order (or any order you like).
Obviously, to make the best use of your database information you need a good database manager. There are several factors to consider in choosing which program is for you. How easy is it to set up the database? How easy is it to add, delete or change a field or field tide? And how easily can you print out lists and reports in the formats you need?
To Relate Or Not To Relate?
Once you get beyond simple considerations of adding information to
your databases and printing reports, there are some important basic differences
between database managers. The most common type of database manager is
sometimes known as a flat file system. You can add and manipulate data
and run reports, but you can't mix data from two or more files for a single
The other major type of database manager is a relational system. In this type, you can use information that's spread across several databases, as long as they're all linked together by a common field. For example, say you have one file with the name, address and ID number of each of your customers, and another file containing the ID number and the amount each customer owes you. Because both files contain the "customer ID number" field, you can write reports that get the customer's name and address from the first file and the amount owed from the second file.
Another important consideration is whether
you can write applications with your database manager. Seven of the nine
ST database managers here let you create databases and reports, but the
amount of customizing you can do is limited. However, the other two database
managers include full-blown application languages with special commands
for storing and manipulating data; you can use them to write completely
customized applications. You can even compile your applications so that
they'll run as independent programs (in fact, some commercial programs
for the ST were created in just this way!). That's tremendous power, but
not without a price: the database managers with application languages tend
to be the most complex and difficult to use.
character | numeric | logical | data | long text | |
DataManager ST |
Base Two |
TRIMbase |
Data Retrieve |
The Informer |
Superbase Personal |
Zoomracks II |
Regent Base |
dBMan |
max field
size |
record |
max record
size |
file |
database |
open files |
DataManager ST |
Base Two |
TRIMbase |
Data Retrieve |
The Informer |
Superbase Personal |
Zoomracks II |
Regent Base |
dBMan |
DataManager ST |
Base Two |
TRIMbase |
Data Retrieve |
The Informer |
Superbase Personal |
Zoomracks II |
Regent Base |
dBMan |
max sort
fields |
ascending |
descending |
indexing |
max index
fields |
DataManager ST |
Base Two |
TRIMbase |
Data Retrieve |
The Informer |
Superbase Personal |
Zoomracks II |
Regent Base |
dBMan |
by field | by record | max criteria | |
DataManager ST |
Base Two |
TRIMbase |
Data Retrieve |
The Informer |
Superbase Personal |
Zoomracks II |
Regent Base |
dBMan |
Data Manager ST
Data Manager ST is a flat file database manager that offers two views
of your data: one shows each record on its own screen, while the other
is laid out in columns like a spreadsheet. You can add or reposition fields
in either view at any time, though changing the layout in one view won't
change it in the other.
Data Manager ST allows you to specify various field types including numeric, text, calculation, Yes/No, Time and Date; you can even design your own. Calculated fields can use the standard four math functions (+, -, * and I), power and root, logical functions (AND and OR), comparison (<, > and =), and IF/THEN/ELSE. You can do multiple sorts in both ascending and descending order.
Reports can be created from either individual record or spreadsheet view. You can add titles, margins and special printer codes to the report format, with subtotals and running totals, and page breaks on any numeric field. Report formats can be saved to disk. You can also use Timeworks' graphing package to create graphs from any Data Manager ST database.
Base Two
Base Two is a highly flexible flat file database manager in two programs:
one for setting up a database and one for entering data. It's completely
mouse-driven; after a field is created, you can click to enter or change
a field title or size, or rearrange the order of fields. Base Two offers
multi-line text fields with word wrap, as well as numeric, calculated and
date fields. You can also change the text size, color and text attributes
(thick, skewed, underline, etc.) of each field.
Base Two's flexible report writer lets you click and drag any field in the database to a position in a report layout window. Once there, you can change the field title or length for the purposes of the report, specify the sort order, select subtotals, ask for a page break on the key field, set margins and specify the number of lines each record will take up on the report. Base Two is careful not to break records across a page break. You can save up to ten reports on disk with each database.
TRIMbase is a fully mouse-driven database manager with some relational
capabilities; it uses the card-file metaphor very effectively. Setting
up a database is simply a matter of entering the field names, types and
lengths; you can easily adjust the field length or name. Field types include
text, date, numeric, class and block (multiple lines with word wrap). There
are flexible sorting, searching, and summary commands, and you may completely
restructure each record (which can take a while). TRIMbase can create a
new database from an old file by selecting only some fields or records,
by merging two files with identical fields, by subtracting two files (where
records in both files are left out), or by joining two files to create
a third file that contains fields from the two files based on matching
TRlMbase's report facilities are very powerful. You can type in any text and select any field from a menu. You can generate variable-size reports, change text attributes, justify text, cut and paste portions of the report, anchor columns of the report so that they always appear in the same place, put text into a report based on the value of a particular field and summarize the data from many records in one report, repeating certain information and totaling and averaging any field. Report definitions can be saved to disk. TRIMbase is copy-protected.
the most familiar
databases is an
address book.
DataRetrieve is a menu and icon-driven flat file database manager Fields
can be designed and placed on the input forms by typing in field data and
then clicking and dragging to adjust position and size. Field types include
text, numeric and date, with multiple lines and word wrap. Input fields
can be customized using rectangles, circles, lines, fill patterns and styled
text; data fields can use different text sizes and attributes. Numeric
fields can use trig, log and square-root functions.
You can select records based on the contents of any field (using wildcards if you desire); you can also create a file or subrange of the records that match search criteria, then manipulate the subrange Indexing is possible on any field and text can be cut, pasted or copied.
The reporting module lets you type any text on the screen and then import a field. You can easily change the position and size or specify text size and attributes for any field. Report forms can be saved to disk. DataRetrieve is copy-protected.
The Informer
The Informer allows two views of your data-an input form (it can have
a custom background designed with DEGAS or NEOchrome) and a column format
that looks like a spreadsheet. You can change a field's position and size
at any time, but changing a field view on the input form doesn't affect
the column version. Field types are text, Code, Date, Currency, Yes/No
and Picture (which loads and shows a picture). The Informer can handle
four databases at once, and with the Code type field you can transfer information
with a matching key from one database to another. Formatting options include
justification and specification of templates; there's also a four-level
sort function, and subranges can be created as separate databases.
Reporting is generally limited to printing columnar output (columns can be hidden so they don't print) or doing a screen dump of the input form. You can also customize your report, specifying lines, spaces and data items.
Unfortunately, The Informer has several bugs. Once data has been entered into a field, nothing will change the data until you restart the record. Also, when a small box graphic is removed from the screen, pieces of it remain behind, making a mess of the screen.
Superbase Personal
Superbase Personal offers you three different ways of examining your
data: data entry, spreadsheet, or a view in which you can both enter data
and modify field locations. Using sophisticated record filtering you can
view just selected records or fields.
The controls for moving through a database mimic those on a VCR. Field types include text, numeric, date, external and calculated. You can specify numeric and date format from dialog boxes, and can make a field required or validated. An external field lets you view a picture or ASCII text file. You can specify formulas and filters from well-designed dialog boxes. The Update function can perform actions on the fields of a record based on conditions you set- including what the values of fields in records of other databases are.
The flexible report generator lets you look at only certain records or fields, set headers, position fields, include fields from other databases, sort on multiple keys in any order, add printed headings, subtotal on the report and specified groups of records, and calculate and sum fields. You must link two databases to use data from both of them in your report.
Zoomrack.s II
Zoomracks II is a database manager based on the card-file metaphor.
You can see multiple cards in a rack and zoom in on any card, which can
contain up to 250 lines of 80 characters. Fields are of variable length,
which removes some of the normal database concerns. Zoomracks II uses the
mouse, but not drop-down menus; a bewildering number of commands are available
from IBM-style menus and submenus (not drop-downs), as well as from key
combinations. GEM is not used and the large number of commands can be quite
confusing. The card you are currently viewing can be edited at any time,
and a new card added. Multiple racks of cards can also be viewed. Basic
math features allow for totaling through fields on a card or on multiple
database you can
rearrange your
You can set up custom forms specifying what fields of a card you want printed. A whole series of commands can be typed in to customize the look of the card.
Regent Base
Regent Base is a full-blown relational database manager complete with
an application language. You can define input forms by dragging text, buttons
and editable fields into position on the screen. You can specify the attributes,
color and point size of the text and can redefine the forms later.
Once a form is created, you must use the application language to create a program for manipulating the database. Programs can add and delete records, modify fields, filter unwanted records, index records, create new databases, produce customized reports, and even read the status of editable fields and respond to mouse-clicks. Utilities are included for sorting records and creating a new database by specifying the fields by name and type (text, numeric and date).
Regent Base is a very powerful package, but requires that the user program a custom application before using it. To compile a stand-alone application to sell, you must send it to Regent Software and purchase a license. Regent Base is also hampered by a poorly organized and overly technical manual. A better manual, The Regent Base Guidebook, is available from Regent for an extra $24.95.
dBMan is a relational database manager with an application language
based on dBase III, the widely used IBM PC database manager. It comes with
several utilities that make it easier to create files and report forms.
A built-in text editor lets you create and edit application programs, and
a program can call any other program for a structured and easily read listing.
dBMan does not use GEM at all; you must enter commands at the prompt. The application language can handle up to ten databases at once, and files can be linked-you can even link one file to many others (dBase III only allows a file to be linked to one other file). dBMan also supports multiple indexes, simple screen graphics and HMenu (which puts a horizontal menu on the screen and lets you use the arrow keys to highlight your choice).
dBMan also includes "Assistant," a full-screen utility that will prompt you through common tasks such as creating a database, defining fields and printing reports. Many people only use "Assistant," though more complex dBMan applications must be programmed. Programmed applications can also be compiled along with the run-time package for distribution.
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David Plotkin is a Human Resources Analyst for Chevron, Corp., and a regular contributor to START and Antic.
Data Manager ST, $79.95. Time-works, Inc., 444 Lake Cook Rd., Deerfield,
IL 60015, (312) 948-9200.
BaseTwo, $59.95. The Catalog, Antic Software, 544 Second St., San
Francisco, CA 94107, (800) 234-7001.
TRIMbase, $99.95. MichTron, 576 South Telegraph Rd., Pontiac, MI
48053, (313) 334-8729.
DataRetrieve, $44.95. Abacus Software, P.O. Box 7219, Grand Rapids,
MI 49510, (616) 698-0330.
The Informer $99.95; Trial Pack, $19.95. Regent Software. 7131 Owensmouth
Ave., Suite 45A, Canoga Park, CA 91303, (818) 882-2800.
Superbase Personal, $149.95. Progressive Peripherals, 464
Kalamath, Denver, CO 80204, (303) 825-4144.
Zoomracks II, $149.95. Quickview Systems, 146 Main St., Los Altos,
CA 94022, (415) 965-0327.
Regent Base, $125.00; Regent Base Guidebook, S24.95. Regent Software,
7131 Owensmouth Ave., Suite 45A, Canoga Park, CA 91303, (818) 882-2800.
dBMan, $249.95. VersaSoft, 4340 Almaden Expressway, Suite 250 San
Jose, CA 95118, (408) 723-9044.