issue's lead program, Schedule Maker by James Robinson, will help
you keep track of your scheduled appointments. Schedule Maker's flexible
reporting features let you send your schedule to the screen, a printer
or an ASCII file on disk. Multiple windows can display reports or monthly
calendars. Schedule Maker's tickler feature lets you know-ahead of time-
when those important meetings are coming up. File SCHEDULE.ARC and SCHEDDAT.ARC;
runs in medium or high resolution.
This month's START disk contains an invaluable reference for all ST owners. Softguide, by Dain Lees and Fred MacGregor, is a database containing information on every commercial ST program on the market. Browse through Softguide by categories and subcategories or search for a product by company or program name. File SOFTGUTD.ARC; runs in medium or high resolution.
We've been getting requests for a C Programming column for some time, and this issue START is pleased to kick it off with Sam Streeper's desk accessory header files. Read programming in C to learn how to write programs that can function as either desk accessories or programs-simply by changing their name. File CINIT.ARC; runs in any resolution.
This month's game is Boingo, by Frank Cohen of Regent Base fame. This Q-Bert-like game will keep you and your family entertained for hours. Files BOINGO.ARC and BOINGO.SRC. ARC; runs in medium or low resolution.
Enter the "best of both worlds" with the CAD 3D to DynaCADD converter, brought to you by START in cooperation with ISD. Create great 3D objects with Antic's Cyber software and then use this utility to convert them to DynaCADD objects for professional finishing. File CADDYNA.ARC; runs in any resolution. This program may be freely distributed.
Got a novel idea? Use Michael Perry's WordPerfect novel macros to get your great American novel on paper- WordPerfectly! File NOVEL.ARC; requires WordPerfect.