Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 2, NO. 12 / MARCH 1984


Addison-Wesley Publishing Co.
Jacobs Way
Reading, MA 01867
(617) 944-8660

Reading, writing and 'rithmetic will always be the basis of a good education, but the computer revolution is radicalizing the ways in which these subjects are being presented. Computers in Teaching Mathematics is a helpful text that supplies teachers with a number of ideas about the uses of computers in the instruction of mathematics.

Microcomputer Games, Inc.
4517 Harford Rd.
Baltimore, MD 21214
(301) 254-5300
48K - diskette

WWII history buffs will recognize T.A.C. as "Tactical Armor Command." As head of this division, you oversee tanks, anti-tank guns and infantry squads. Five different scenarios are possible, and nonnationalists will be pleased to note that, besides being able to command the American military, they can also lead German, British or Russian forces.

(graphics utility)
Rampage Computer Products, Inc.
952 Smokerise
Medina, OH 44256
(216) 722-3143
48K -- diskette - $34.95

You can use all of the Atari graphics modes, including GTIA and those not available for BASIC, when using Cyber Graphics. Through use of this disk, both Player/Missiles and alternate character sets can be generated. Also, a Micro- Painter file can be stored to your BASIC program.

(speech synthesizer)
Street Electronics Corp.
1140 Mark Ave.
Carpinteria, CA 93013
(805) 684-4593

Echo GP, a user-friendly, stand-alone speech synthesizer, can be easily hooked up to virtually any computer's serial port. Its most notable feature is an automatic text-to-speech program that offers your computer an almost unlimited vocabulary. A special discount is available for institutions devoted to the handicapped.

(printer cable)
Digital Devices Corp.
151 Sixth St.
Suite 127, O'Keefe Bldg.
Atlanta, GA 30313
(404) 872-4430

You no longer need to monkey around with expensive printer interfaces. Ape-Face is a cable that makes the Atari computer compatible with all standard printers. The 48P model works with the 400 and 800, while the XLP cable services all Ataris, including the new XL line. Both types are said to be simple enough for a chimp to use.

(application program)
f/22 Press
P.O. Box 141
Leonia, NJ 07605
48K -- diskette

Even if you're Ansel Adams, there's always something to learn from Darkstar, the user-friendly program that transforms you into an instant darkroom expert. The menu of darkroom-problem categories allows you to select a matter with which you need help. Then, overlooking nothing, it guides you through th necessary procedure. Darkstar can also eliminate the need for temperature control when processing black-and-white film, and, with optional modification, will automatically operate an Omega D5500 enlarger.

Infocom, Inc.
55 Wheeler St.
Cambridge, MA 02138
(617) 492-10311
32K - diskette

Set in the vast Egyptian desert, near the banks of the Nile, Infidel challenges you to find the buried entrance to the last great pyramid and to unearth its treasures. But, as leader of the expedition, you really blew it when you forced your workers to dig on a Holy Day. Now, you've been drugged and left for dead in the merciless desert, with only a crude map, a wax rubbing and an incomplete hieroglyphics dictionary for guidance. Nonetheless, you continue to face the desert and the pyramid's death traps alone to fulfill your quest.

(computer furniture)
California Design Works
P.O. Box 3052
Monterey, CA 93940
(408) 394-5005

Are your computer and peripherals scattered all around your study or Iiving room in haphazard fashion? If so, unite them with the aid of Stack Rack. Each of its nine models is made of finished, red-oak hardwood, and is sturdy enough to accommodate any system. Its adjustable shelves can be easily positioned to match your needs. Pictured is model #A161818.

(graphics program)
Tiger Soft
91 Pocatello Trail
Henrietta, NY 14467
(716) 395-9980
48K - diskette

The strength of Tiger Graphics lies in its ability to generate character sets. It automatically creates characters, and can open a new character set when one set is full. All ANTIC graphics modes are used, including GTIA and Mode 4, and can be mixed together in one display. The cursor can be programmed directly from the screen. Text can be added anywhere in the picture. Special features include a zoom effect, a special shading cursor for GTIA luminance modes and a display- list-interrupt editor.

(reference book)
Writer's Digest Books
9933 Alliance Rd.
Cincinnati, OH 45242
(513) 984-0717

The 1984 Programmer's Market gives you all the information necessary to sell your computer programs to the appropriate party. The first part of the book covers writing and marketing techniques, while the second portion contains 500 listings of software publishers. Also included is a bibliography of computer publications, a glossary of terms, and four indices to help you locate the publishers.

(printer cable)
Renaissance Technology Corp.
1045 Detroit Ave.
Concord, CA 94518
(415) 676-5757

The Universal Serial Cable is said to eliminate the need for costly, custom-made, interconnect cables, to allow virtually any RS-232C serial computer and printer, or peripheral connection to be made quickly and easily. Two serial devices can be interfaced by simply adjusting a set of tiny DLP switches that are built into the cable's connectors.

Visionary Electronics, Inc.
141 Parker Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94118
(415) 751-8811

Visionary 1200 is an intelligent, standalone 1200/300 baud modem that is able to send, receive and store messages automatically (even if the host computer is turned off). It contains up to 48K of battery-backed-up memory, and is said to be the only intelligent modem on the market that can conveniently send and receive TELEX and TWX messages to and from a computer's word processor. It also has its own internal clock/calendar.

(reference guide)
Nanos Systems Corp.
P.O. Box 24344
Speedway, IN 46224
(317) 244-4078
Add $1.00 for shipping and handling

Five months worth of research went into the compilation of the 22-page Nanos Systems Card. This quick reference guide for the Atari 400/800 throws light on subjects such as system commands, error codes, Player/Missile graphics, graphics modes and memory maps. Discounts are available for orders of 25 or more.

(reference book)
New American Library
1633 Broadway
New York, NY 10019
(212) 397-8000
$9.99 U.S./$12.50 Canada

When it comes to online computer information, your fingers no longer need the Yellow Pages. This comprehensive directory provides a wealth of information about online databases, explains how to obtain access to them, and shows what types of data are available. Over 400 listings are included, and a list of free, downloadable-software sources is an added bonus.

Return the favor. When you call a manufacturer or supplier about a product you've seen advertised or otherwise mentioned in ANTIC, please tell them so. This will help us to continue to bring you the latest information about products that will make your Atari computer an even more valuable Investment in the future. -ANTIC ED