Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 2, NO. 8 / NOVEMBER 1983


Night Flight was created by Michael Green of South San Francisco using Keystroke Artist.  This striking representation of an airplane�s control panel at night is one of several he has submitted.  Michael, a baker by trade, has been drawing on his ATARI 800 for about five months.  His second picture is Early Spring;  the locale is strongly reminiscent of Lake Tahoe�s Emerald Bay.  
Paul Strauss� Chariots of Fire represents the logo and captures the spirit of the award winning motion picture.  An ATARI aficionado, Paul is president of the New Orleans Atari Users� Group. Chariots is one of a number of microscreens he has created using Micro-painter and an autoloader from BASIC that makes running pictures as simple as pressing the space bar. 
Race by Nathan Hood of Oakland, Calif., falls into that category of microscreens that require no description.  Who could mistake the subject of this submission?  Nathan is a ninth grader at Bret Harte Junior High School, and was president of the school�s computer club last year.  He produced Race by projecting a slide onto his TV screen and tracing the image with Micro-painter.