Alphabet Music
A musical way to learn the ABC's
by Richard Seltzer
This is a short educational game for young children. It runs on all Atari computers and with all memory configurations.
Alphabet Music is a game that introduces preschoolers to their ABC's on a musical note. It begins with the last musical phrase from the familiar Alphabet Song (A-B-C-D-E-F-G ... ). Then the letter "A" appears. When your youngster types A, he or she will hear the note associated with A in the Alphabet Song. Then a second A appears on the screen, and the letter "B" is displayed on the line below it, prompting the player to type B and hear the B sound. If any other letter (or the [BREAK] key) is pressed, nothing happens. When you get to Z, the whole Alphabet Song is played, and the program starts over again at A.
This simple game allows a young child to obtain musical results from the keyboard at the same time that he or she learns the alphabet. It has given my three-year-old son Mikey a chance to get a turn at our busy Atari 800 and to gain a much-needed sense of control over its operations. He loves the game - and he's getting a lot better at his ABC's.
Richard Seltzer writes for Digital Equipment's company newspaper, DECWORLD. He's written several children's books, as well as an historical novel, The Name of Hero (Tarcher/Hougbton Mifflin), and recently had his first program published in a computer magazine.
5 REM ALPHABET MUSIC 6 REM BY RICHARD SELTZER 7 REM ANTIC MAGAZINE 10 L=64:X=2:Y=-l 20 OPEN #1,4,0 ,"K:" 30 GRAPHICS 2+16:GOSUB 200:RESTORE 40 L=L+1:IF L=91 THEN L=65:RESTORE 50 Y=Y+1:IF Y=ll THEN Y=0:X=X+3 60 IF X>18 THEN GRAPHICS 2+16:X=2 70 POSITION X,Y 80 ? #6;CHR$(L); 90 GET #1,K 100 POKE 16,64:POKE 53774,64 110 IF K=L THEN ? #6;CHR$(L); 120 IF K=L THEN READ A,B 130 IF K=L AND L<>87 AND L<>89 AND L<> 90 THEN SOUND 0,A,10,10:FOR I=l TO B:N EXT I:SOUND 0,0,0,0:GOTO 40 140 IF K=L AND L=87 THEN FOR T=l TO 3: SOUND 0,A,10,10:FOR I=l TO B:NEXT I:SO UND 0,0,0,0:NEXT T:GOTO 40 150 IF K=L AND L=89 THEN FOR T=l TO 2 : SOUND 0,A,10,10:FOR I=l TO B:NEXT I:SO UND 0,0,0,0:NEXT T:GOTO 40 160 IF K=L AND L=90 THEN SOUND 0,A,10, 10:FOR I=l TO B:NEXT I:SOUND 0,0,0,0: GOSUB 200 : GOTO 40 170 GOTO 90 180 DATA 136,100,136,100,91,100,91,100 ,81,100,81,100,91,200,102,100,102,100, 108,100,108,100,121,50,121,50 190 DATA 121,50,121,50,136,200,91,100, 91,100,102,200,108,100,108,100,121,200 ,91,50,102,200,108,100,121,300 200 RESTORE :FOR T=l TO ll:READ A,B:SO UND 0,A,10,10:FOR I=1 TO B:NEXT I:SOUN D 0,0,0,0:NEXT T 210 FOR T=l TO 2:SOUND 0,121,10,10:FOR I=1 TO 100:NEXT I:SOUND 0,0,0,0:NEXT T 220 SOUND 0,136,10,10:FOR I=l TO 200:N EXT I:SOUND 0,0,0,0:RETURNListing: ALPHAMUS.BAS Download