MISSING INFOBITSThe assembly language source listing for "Infobits "(Antic, Dec. 1984) was left out, of the previous issue. You'll find it in this issue's Software Library. -ANTIC ED
If you're running into a bit of trouble during your adventures in "Advent X-5" (Antic, Nov. 1984), it may be due to a missing line. Add the following line: 8020 RUN. If the program locks up, you may be mistyping line 1005. The "TYPO II" code for that line is EJ. Watch out for the character just before the inverse f in that line, it's a [CTRL] [B].
I have found a problem with the installation of a color monitor with my Atari 400.
I used your article "Little Brother Grows Up," (April 1984) for a guide. The schematic on page 106 shows resistor R11 to have a value of 2.2 Ohms. This should be 2.2 kilo Ohms.
Matt Orsie
Budd Lake, NJ
Thanks-this is the first time we'd heard about this. It's harder to test hardware fixes than it is to try new software, and we appreciate all the comments we get
Last month's Game of the Month, "Biffdrop," by J.D. Casten had some pretty tough lines to type in. Now that we have a new "Typo" program, we thought you might like the "Typo II" line-by-line codes followed by the line numbers. See the "Typo II" instruction article in this issue.
MH 510 JE 4002
BQ 515 SB 4003
UC 520 CO 4004
BT 525 YA 4005
AV 580 YA 4006
IV 4000 MM 9000
KP 4001
Because of some interesting quirks in the Atari XL screen editing system, the DEMO listing of the "Antic 4/5 Editor Animator," (page 66, October 1984), will not run without the Translator disk. To get DEMO to run without Translator, change both 36's in line 52 to 35, and change the 39 in line 522 to 38.
We would like to thank you for the honorable mention given to us in the October 1984 issue of Antic for our Playful Professor Math Tutor. However, there is a cassette version for the Atari.
Roger Shiffman
Screenplay Intelligent Statements
Des Plaines, IL
In our September Help! column, we ran a letter with improvements for "Use BASIC to Animate". Unfortunately, some lines were omitted from the letter. We print them below.
Add these lines:
1301 POKE 752,1:? :,? "NUMB
ER OF PLAYERS (2,3, OR 4)"
1302 IF K<2 OR K>4 THEN ?
CHR$(125):GOTO 1301
1303 ? CHR$(125)
1351 IF K<>3 AND K<>4 THEN
POKE 53249,0
1352 IF K<>4 THEN POKE 532
Change these lines to read:
1170 D1=D1+1:IF K=4 THEN A
=PEEK[634):ON ((A=7)+2*(A=
11)+3*(A=13)+4*(A=14)) GOS
UB 590,660,730,800:POKE 53
1180 D2=D2+1:IF K=3 OR K=4
THEN A=PEEK[633]:ON ((A=7
4)) GOSUB 310,380,450,520:
POKE 53278,1
Note that line 1180 is overlong and must be entered without spaces.