New Products
New Products notices are compiled by the Antic staff from information provided by the products manufacturers. Antic welcomes such submissions, but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of these notices or the performance of the products listed.EPSON DX-10 (printer) Epson America, Inc. 2780 Lomita Boulevard Torrance, CA 90505 (213) 539-9140 $399
Epson debuted several new printers at the Comdex trade show. The DX-10 is an 82 column daisywheel printer featuring bi-directional logic seeking printing. It uses a standard Diablo 96 character printwheel and Olivetti ET-121 ribbon.
The HomeWriter 10 is an 80 column dot-matrix printer with a plug-in cartridge that makes it compatible with the Atari. It produces draft quality printing at 100 cps and near letter quality at 16 cps. Numerous type styles are available through Epson's SelecType feature. The HomeWriter is priced at $249, and the plug-in cartridge is $50.
The HS-80 letterjet is a nine nozzle ink jet printer that weighs just an ounce over four pounds. The battery portable unit, prints 80 columns at 160 cps draft and 32 cps near letter quality. Retail price is $449.
BASIC TUTORIAL FOR ATARI (software) DP Software 104 Barrymore Boulevard Franklin Square, NY 11010 (516) 352-5605 $29, 32K, 2 disks
This is a comprehensive disk tutorial on Atari BASIC. It features a comprehensive syntax reference guide and over 300 different screens. A very user friendly tutorial, requires only four keys to operate the program.
TEL-A-MODEM (modem) Code-A-Phone Corp. 16261 S.E. 130 Avenue Clackamas, OR 97015 (503) 655-8940 $595
If you've found yourself running out of desk space lately, the Tel-A-Modem may well be for you. This versatile device combines a telephone, a modem and the power supply all into one neat package. Voice and data communications can be combined, as can tone and pulse dialing. 300 or 1200 baud transmission speeds can be selected.
PROBURNER (EPROM programmer) Thompson Electronics 1074 Kensington Avenue, Suite 188 Buffalo, NY 14215 (416) 960-1089 $149, 32K cartridge
This is a professional quality EPROM burner in a cartridge that plugs into your Atari. It features copy, erase check, verify and burn-In functions, as well as the capability to run chips from its socket. It can be used to program EPROM types 2716 to 27128, the 2532 and a variety of 2K through 8K EEPROMS.
VDT BODYGUARD (glare protector) Sentinel Bio-Tech Products One Sentinel Plaza Hyannis, MA 02601 (617) 775-5220 $164
In addition to being an anti-glare, anti-reflection and anti-static screen, the manufacturer claims that the Bodyguard also blocks 98% of emitted radiation. The very fine wire mesh screen is clipped onto the front of the terminal screen and held in place with an elastic strap.
Return the favor. When you call a manufacturer or supplier about a product you 've seen advertised or other-wise mentioned in ANTIC, please tell them so. This will help us to continue to bring you the latest information about products that will make your Atari computer an even more valuable investment in the future. -ANTIC ED