Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 4, NO. 9 / JANUARY 1986

New Products

New Products notices are compiled by the Antic staff from information provided by the products' manufacturers. Antic welcomes such submissions, but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of these notices or the performance of the products listed.

Pro*Mega Software
29W150 Old Farm line
Warrenville, IL 60555
(312) 393-2317
32K disk

A double play game package. In Bomber, destroy an enemy plane with your ship. In Evader, land your Lunar Lander in the Forgotten City.

PST-8B Interface photo

(printer interface)
PS Technologies
P.O. Box 1335
Palatine, IL 60078
(312) 359-7302

Parallel printer interface described as compatible with all software. For the XL series, includes a replacement ROM operating system chip with a built-in translator. For the 400/800 series, a revision B operating system chip is included.

(expansion cartridge)
TNT Computing
P.O. Box 443
Holt, MI 48842
(517) 394-2412
$49.95, 48K cartrIdge

According to the manufacturer, this 80-column cartridge "produces 80 remarkably legible characters" on black and white or color TVs and monitors. Works with Letter Perfect and most programs on all computers.

Software Exchange
2681 Peterboro Road
P.O. Box 5382
W. Bloomfield, MI 48033
(313) 626-7208
48K, disk or cassette

This package contains three programs for the calculating punter: Thorough-bred Racing Analysis, Harness Racing Analysus and Bet Return Analysis. All three programs require a minimum of data entry, and the results of the first two may be printed for extra convenience.

(development software)
Six Forks Software
11009 Harness Circle
Raleigh, NC 27614
$39, 48K disk

Although unfamiliar to many home computer programers, all major computer systems, including UNIX and CP/M-based systems) have linker-based development systems. Assembler/Linker provides Atari users with this industry standard by creating multiplerelocatable files which can be linked into a final, executable object code.

Someplace Special Software
11 Woodland Drive
Troy, PA 16497
(717) 297-2039
$50, 48K disk

This program teaches computerize grade curves, test scoring and student reports for classrooms of up to 30 students.

Pandora Software
177 Carkon Lane
N. Andover MA 01845
$39.95, 16K Cartridge

Go north, south, east or west. This graphic adventure's claim to uniqueness is 360 deges of different viewpoints, showing 63 locations in 200 possible views.

(operating software)
Eclipse Software
1058 Marigold Court
Sunnyvale, CA 94086
(408) 246-8325

This new improved version of Top-DOS disk operating system is also $20 cheaper. Supports 130XE, automatic formatting, four-level command file nesting, 90K buffer for one-pass disk duplication.

Computer Printer Commands Manual photo

Cardinal Point Inc.
P.O. Box 596
Elletsville, Indiana 47429
(812) 876-7811

Progammers can expand the marketability of their software with this 270-page reference book of the Escape and Control programming codes for 170 different daisy wheel and dot matrix printers.

J.V. Technologies
P.O. Box 563
Ludington, MI 49431
48K disk
$22.95 each, $40 for both

Menu-driven inventory software for coin and photo hobbyists. Each program catalogs up to 300 collectibles in an easily accessed database.

(strategy game)
Strategic Simulations Inc
883 Stierlin Road, Bldg A-200
Mountain View, CA 94043
(415) 964-1353
$39.95, 48K disk

A strategy wargame with five scenarios, 40 terrain maps, and adjustable opposing forces (choose from U.S., Soviet, or Chinese).

120 Lakefront Drive
Hunt Wiley, MD 21030
(301) 667-1151
$34.95, 48K disk

The successor to Solo Flight, this advanced jet flight simulator features built-in CRT instrument displays and acrobatic stunts.

(educational software)
Sunburst Communications, Inc.
39 Washington Avenue
Pleasantville, NY 10570
(800) 431-1934
(914) 769-5030 in New York
$50 with backup and guide
48K disk

Targets is an educational game, designed for practising basic math operations and analytical problem solving. Players target large numbers and try to equal them with combinations of smaller numbers.

Convox Voice Master photo

(hardware and software)
Covox, Inc.
675-D Conger Street
Eugene, OR 97402
(503) 342-1271
$89.95, 48K disk

This digital speech recording/playback system brings voice recognition, a speech synthesizer and music composing capabilities to the Atari at low cost. Comes with a microphone/earphone headset and software.

Broderbund Software
17 Paul Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
(415) 479-1170.
$34.95 each, 48K disk

Due to "enormous Atari consumer response," Bruderbund converted these games to the Atari. Karateka, an animated "action movie" game with realistic sound, chronicles a karate master's fight to rescue his bride. Championship Lode Runner is described as a more intricate, advanced version of Lode Runner.

Return the favor When you call a manufacturer or supplier about a product you've seen advertised or otherwise mentioned in ANTIC, please tell them so. This will help us to continue to bring you the latest Information about products that will make your Atari computer an even more valuable investment in the future – ANTIC ED