Handy disk directory printouts
by ROBERT BLANEYOrganize your fast-changing disk files. This useful BASIC program creates a paper printout of the file directory exactly as it appears when you call the disk directory to screen. Slip the directory card into your disk envelope and find every program at a glance. Works on any 8-bit Atari computer with disk or cassette.
As you use your Atari more to organize your life you'll find something else to organize your disks. If you trade programs, download from bulletin boards and develop your own programs like I do, you probably spend too much time labeling diskettes-and relabeling diskettes. And if you have 10 or 20 programs or files on a disk, it takes time to write each filename by hand-let alone find enough space to scribble all the filenames for a double-sided disk on a single label.
more scribbling with felt-tip pens. Floppy Filer is here. In seconds, this
simple program prints a paper insert that you cut to size (along the dotted
lines) and slip into the disk envelope. Your disk directories now become
easily visible and are easily dated. The filecard displays the name and
size (in sectors) of each file, the total number of files on the disk,
the number of free sectors and the date.
This program requires a printer that can print at 6 and 8 lines per
inch (lpi) to create the correct size insert. The listing is written for
Epson, Star and Gemini printers. If you do not have an Epson or compatible,
but your printer can print at 6 and 8 lpi, you will need to know your own
printer's control codes for 6 and 8 lpi. The listing needs these codes
at line 490 for 8 lpi and line 600 for 6 lpi. These must be changed before
you use this program.
Type in Listing 1, DSKINSRT.BAS, check it with TYPO II, and SAVE a copy before you RUN it. After the title screen graphic of a floppy disk appears, simply follow the prompts. Insert the disk for which you want to create a filecard into the disk drive and press [RETURN]. Now type in the title you want to give the directory-it can be up to 38 characters long-and then [RETURN]. The Blaney Family has developed a habit of writing titles that provide useful information such as which DOS and density are on the disk and whether BASIC is needed.
Even if you don't want a date on the disk, the program will ask you for one. For January 1, 1987 you'd type 01-01-87 and press [RETURN].
You can print two inserts on a single 8 1/2 x 11 inch sheet of paper. When you are finished, remove the directory paper from the printer and grab your scissors. Simply cut along the dotted lines and you'll have a perfectly-sized jacket insert.
Robert Blaney is an 18-year veteran of data processing management. He computes on an Atari 800 with his son at home in Long Valley, New Jersey.
Listing 1:DSKINSRT.BAS Download