Math Attack
Learn arithmetic in a flash
Math Attack helps students of any age learn to add, subtract, multiply and divide. It offers a choice of flash cards or a self-grading test. The BASIC program works with all Atari 8-bit computers having at least 48K, disk or cassette. You can even add an optional speech listing that announces the numbers, when used with the Talking Typewriter speech circuit described in this issue.
a father of four, I have reason to believe that children need more educational
software to help them study basic subjects. This is why I wrote Math Attack.
The BASIC program is designed to teach general addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. It's useful for all ages because you can control the size of the factors-such as the divisor and quotient in division. You can also control the time taken by the computer to display the correct answer.
Type in Listing 1, MATH.BAS, check it with TYPO II and SAVE a copy before you RUN it.
(If you want to add the speech programming lines that work with this issue's Talking Typewriter speech circuit project, type in Listing 2 and check it with TYPO II. LIST a copy to disk or cassette. Next, LOAD Listing 1 and then ENTER Listing 2. Remember to SAVE the combined program before you RUN it. Antic Disk owners willfind the talking version of the program on the monthly disk under the filename MATH TLK -ANTIC ED)
Improve your arithmetic skills with these colorful self-testing flashcards
Math Attack will prompt you to select the type of arithmetic you want to work with-addition, subtraction, multiplication, or integer division. Now you are prompted to type in the range of the top factor, then the range of the lower factor. The computer will randomly select numbers within those ranges. Math Attack won't accept fractions, but negative numbers are allowed. Other than that, you can use just about any range of numbers you want.
Next you'll choose a delay factor before the computer displays the answer. You may choose delays between 1 (shortest delay) to 10 (longest). Now you can pick either flash cards or a test. If you choose flash cards, the computer places arithmetic problems on the screen and you try to guess the answer before the computer shows it to you.
Press the [OPTION] key to exit to a menu with the following choices:
1. Select New Range of Numbers
2. Change the Reply Time
3. Get New Math
4. Take a Test
If your choice is 4, you'll be given 10 problems using the previously selected range of numbers and delay time. When you're done, the computer will grade you and display a message based on your score. Comments range from "Better Study" to "Great!" But these can be changed to anything you want. Just substitute your own messages for those currently in lines 690-770.
Also, before beginning the test, you'll be prompted to press the [SELECT] key to switch the timer on or off. This lets you opt for just figuring out the right answer without needing to type it in right away.
Ralph Davis owns a furniture store in Tallahassee, Florida, and is the vice president of the Atari users group there.