Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 6, NO. 9 / JANUARY 1988

Super Disk Bonus

Antic SuperCopy

Effortless multi-file disk copying


This month's Super Disk-Only Bonus is one of the fastest and easiest multi-file disk copying programs ever published for the 8-bit Atari. Antic SuperCopy is entirely operated from menu selections and normally requires only five key presses.

When you are copying a lot of the files on a disk, Antic SuperCopy puts an end to tedious searching for correct wildcard filenames. This powerful program is written entirely in machine language. If Antic had printed it as a type-in BASIC loader, the listing would have consisted of approximately six pages of nothing but data statements.

Antic SuperCopy runs on all 8-bit Atari computers with at least 48K memory and a disk drive. This program was written by the Wisconsin team that created Antic Spelling Checker, our October 1987 machine language Super Disk Bonus.

Antic SuperCopy


The Antic SuperCopy program (BCOPY.EXE) and the instructions (HELP.BAS) are both on this month's Antic Disk. Choose selection 5 on the Main Menu of Side B. Included in the manual is an explanation of how you can make an Antic SuperCopy disk which loads and runs automatically.

Your January 1988 Antic Disk-featuring Antic Super-Copy as well as every program in this issue-will be shipped to you within 24 hours after receiving your order. Just phone Toll-Free to the Antic Disk Desk at (800) 234-7001. The monthly disk is only $5.95 (plus $2 for shipping and handling) on your Visa or MasterCard. Or mail a $5.95 check (plus $2 shipping and handling) to Antic Disk Desk, 544 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.

Programmers: Antic wants to see your most ambitious programs, even those too large or complex for printing as a type-in listing. High-quality programs in any language that has a runtime version are now eligible for consideration as a Super Disk Bonus.

On Disk   BCOPY.EXE Download

On Disk   BCOPY.TXT Download / View