Grand Underground Text Adventure
New challenge for Zork fans
of large-scale text adventures will find a challenging quest in this month's
Super Disk Bonus-Antic's Grand Underground Text Adventure. If you're
homesick for the mysterious Zork type of realm, here's your chance to go
back below ground and attempt to survive a whole menagerie of monsters-gnomes,
elves, dwarves, trolls, ogres, vampires, wizards, giant rats. . .
Antic's Grand Underground Text Adventure is written in fast, powerful MAC/65 machine language and boasts multiple windows that make playing the game a lot more convenient. The BASIC runtime translation is over 160 sectors long, which would mean you'd be typing page after page of nothing but data statement numerals if we printed the listing. MAC/65 programmers should be able to find the full source code for the Grand Underground Text Adventure in May on the ANTIC ONLINE Software Shelf.
The programmer of Antic's Grand Underground Text is Steven Lee of Sacramento, California who wrote the ambitious UltraFont character set editor in our August 1986 issue. He is a computer engineering major at California Polytechnic Institute, San Luis Obispo. The story layout is by his sister Wai Ping Lee, a business/economics major at U.C. Berkeley and an avid adventure gamer.
Here's how the adventure (originally titled Spare Tire) begins: You're driving along dark, narrow roads when suddenly a little dog appears out of nowhere. You swerve to avoid the hitting the pup, only to skid into a cavernous hole. Fortunately you are not hurt and the only damage seems to be a very flat tire. Looking in the trunk, you discover that the spare tire is missing. Suddenly you hear chattering noises from below. Perhaps someone down there can help. It looks as if you have only one choice, to investigate and attempt to find a spare tire.
This month's Antic Disk also has a help file for the Grand Underground Text Adventure including a list of acceptable command verbs. To read the Help file or obtain a printout, select choice 5, HELP.BAS, from the Side A menu.
Your May 1988 Antic Disk featuring the Grand Underground Text Adventure as well as every type-in program from this issue-will be shipped to you within 24 hours after receiving your order. Just phone Toll-Free to the Antic Disk Desk at (800) 234-7001. The monthly disk is only $5.95 (plus $2 for shipping and handling) on your Visa or MasterCard. Or mail a $5.95 check (plus $2 shipping and handling) to Antic Disk Desk, 544 Second Street, San Francisco, CA 94107.
Programmers: Antic wants to see your most ambitious programs, even those too large or complex for printing as a type-in listing. High quality programs in any language that has a runtime version are now eligible for consideration as a Super Disk Bonus.
New Super Bonus rext Adventure* only $5.95 - on the Antic Montbly Disk!
On Disk: SPTIRE.EXE Download
On Disk: SPTIRE.TXT Download / View