Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 7, NO. 3 / JULY 1988


Antic Summer Subscription Drive

Disk issues now $5 each--plus Free mini calculator

In this issue you're seeing the payoff of Antic's successful Newsroom write-in campaign. An excellent new product arrived for the 8-bit Atari because Antic readers answered this magazine's call and took action to benefit the entire Atari community.

For six and a half years, through every change in the Atari market, Antic has been the world's best-selling publication meeting Atari users' needs for dependable Atari news, reviews and programs. At this writing, Antic is the only magazine covering all Atari computer models every month--and there's still plenty of Atari news to cover.

Antic wants to continue delivering as much high-quality service as we always have. And this magazine can keep on going for year after year--as long as enough committed Atari users support our efforts.

So that's why Antic is calling for 5,000 more disk subscribers this summer. In order for us to help your Atari computers keep doing all the jobs you want, Antic is looking for your direct support right now.


We'll make it easy for you to get all the benefits of the Antic Monthly disk. For this summer, Antic's Disk Subscription price is lowered to only $59.95. That's just $5 apiece for 12 months of Antic Magazine plus Disk!

It's the best deal ever offered by Antic. For only $59.95 you get 12 double-sided disks crammed full of useful, entertaining Atari software including the monthly Super Bonus, plus 12 information-packed issues of Antic Magazine. You pay just half of the $9.95 newsstand single disk/magazine price--or $20 less than the regular $79.95 subscription price for a 25% savings.


This Summer Subscription Drive offer is guaranteed only until September 1, 1988. Order your special $59.95 Antic Disk Subscription before the deadline and you'll also receive a special Free gift--the Atari Mini-Card Solar Calculator, a $5.95 value. This full-featured calculator is no bigger than a credit card. It bears the Atari logo and comes with a complete instruction booklet.

To start your special $59.95 Antic Disk Subscription right away (or upgrade your current non-disk subscription), just phone Toll-Free to Antic Customer Service at (800) 234-7001 and use your Visa or MasterCard. Or simply mail a $59.95 check to Antic Disk Special, 544 second street, San Francisco, CA 94107.

Let's continue working together to make things better for Atari users.

Nat Friedland
Editor, Antic