Classic Computer Magazine Archive ANTIC VOL. 7, NO. 4 / AUGUST 1988

New Products

New Products notices are compiled by the Antic staff from information provided by the products' manufacturers. Antic welcomes such submissions but assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of these notices or the performance of the products listed.

(printing software)
N.E.R.D.S. Software
18 Wendy Drive
Farmingville, NY 11738
Requires Print Shop
$9.95 ($16 for both), 48K disk
(516) 698-0445

The first N.E.R.D.S. Biology Disk contains about 115 graphics relating to human and animal circulatory, digestive, endocrine, respiration and reproductive systems. The second disk has another 115 icons dealing with microbiology, insects, basic biochemistry and plants. These graphics can be printed out in different sizes and positions. Broderbund's Print Shop software is required.

P.O. Box 219
San Cristobal, NM 87564
$15 for 10 issues ($25 overseas)

Amygdala is a newsletter devoted exclusively to fractals and the Mandelbrot set. Each issue contains black and white illustrations of fractals, an extensive bibliography and reviews of fractal-generating computer programs. The optional $15 slide supplement ($25 overseas) consists of finely detailed color slides of fractals.

(entertainment software)
Atari Corp.
1196 Borregas Avenue
Sunnyyale, CA 94088-3427
(408) 745-2000
$22.95, 64K cartridge

You're the captain on a World War II GATO-class submarine, patrolling the South Pacific theatre. You've undertaken classified search, destroy and rescue missions in Atari's new cartridge conversion of GATO by Spectrum Holobyte. Positions, courses and maneuvers of your ship and others are calculated in real-time simulation. GATO also features 3-D perspective.

XLEnt Software
P0. Box 5228
Springfield, VA 22150
(703) 569-8881
$19.95, 48K disk

Cross Town Crazy 8 is the classic card game with a new twist. You can play against as many as three computer opponents – or challenge your friends on line via modems. Cross Town Crazy 8 was written for both 8-bit and ST by longtime Antic contributor Patrick Dell'Era, author of Diskio Plus (December 1985).

(disk drive interface)
Irata Verlag USA
1272B Potter Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80909
(303) 596-0135

With a No Thrills Interface, you can hook up either an IBM-compatible or ST disk drive to your Atari 8-bit, gaining vastly increased capacity and speed at less expense. The No Thrills Interface is roughly the size of a printer interface.

(entertainment software)
Bensley Consulting
P.O. Box 301
217 West Walnut
Westfield, IL 62474
(217) 967-5465
$19.95, 48K disk

Astronauts is a kind of space travel trivia quiz compiled with Turbo BASIC. In this unprotected program, you can choose questions on the Mercury, Gemini, Apollo and Shuttle Missions. For example: You're given an astronaut's name – which missions was he involved in?

(disk drive)
4521 Campus Drive, Suite 400
Irvine, CA 92715
(714) 733-0189
$229, Atari XL/XE

HyperDrive stores 720K on a 3.5-inch disk and includes a printer interface with an 8K RAM buffer. Store more than eight times as much information on one XL/XE disk – running MYDOS, SpartaDOS or any DOS that can recognize and use the extra storage space. (Unfortunately, this doesn't include Atari DOS 2.0 and 2.5.) With the optional $100 Hyperspeed cartridge, transfer speed increases to 150,000 baud.

(online service)
Reamer-Williams and Associates
4131 S.W. Viewpoint Terrace, Suite 1
Portland, OR 97201
(503) 224-5494
$25 registration

Adline offers computer-related products and services exclusively through local bulletin hoards. Now you can shop online through your local BBS. And if you're a sysop, you can earn money – just post the Adline Marketing packages online and receive a percentage of sales. And you don't have to worry about handling orders.

If you're interested send in your one-time $25 registration fee along with: type of BBS hardware and software; number of weekly callers; number of BBS phone lines; BBS name, phone number and address; and voice number of the sysop.

Return the favor. When you call a manufacturer or supplier about a product you've seen advertised or otherwise mentioned in ANTIC, please tell them so. This will help us to continue to bring you the latest information about products that will make your Atari computer an even more valuable investment in the future. – ANTIC ED