(applications software)
MicroMiser Software
31413 Westward Ho
Sorrento, FL 32776
(904) 383-0745 (1-5 p.m., Eastern Time)
$49, XEP80 required
Want a simple 80-column database file manager with high capacity and speed, but without the complexity (and expense) of a full-fledged business database? TurboFile is MicroMiser's solution, using the Atari XEP80 controller. A companion program to MicroMiser's TurboWorld+, TurboFile can exchange files and information with the word processor for data input and mail merging. Reports can be formatted with columns and labels -- and report formats can be saved.
Even more, TurboFile can import and convert DIF files (such as SynFile+
files) -- and allows three times more storage per disk than SynFile.
The database can be used with Atari DOS 2.5, SpartaDOS (with automatic
subdirectories), MYDOS or DOS XL. The extensive manual provides plenty
of documentation to go with the Quick Course instruction disk.
P.O. Box H
Rochester, NY 14623
(716) 334-2928
The RAMPACK System provides 12 different utilities on an autoboot disk, along with a special Help screen placed automatically into your RAMdisk. The utilities include an automatic MENU of disk directories, the RAMMAP display of your current memory limits, a DELETER for removing blocks of program lines, and FILECOPY. HEXDEC converts decimal numbers to hex and vice versa. COUNTBYT counts the bytes in any disk file, and SECTREAD shows you the contents of any disk sector. TYPERITE turns your keyboard and printer into an electronic typewriter, and PRNTFILE prints LISTed files directly from disk. DISKRITE writes to or appends from keyboard to disk files. READRITE offers speedy machine language/CIO read/write routines, ready to plug into your own programs.
You don't need a 130XE or DOS 2.5 to use RAMPACK. It runs on any
8-bit Atari with enough added memory to support a 24K RAMdisk, and works
with just about any DOS compatible with DOS 2.0 or 2.5. If you don't
have a RAMdisk, you can order RAMPACK Jr. ($16.95), the same unified
system of 12 utilities, with the Help screen and manual on a separate disk.
(programming language)
Omicron Microsystems
P.O. Box 8553
Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7K 6K6
(306) 955-7331
$22.45 U.S., $27.95 Canada, 48K disk
The Assembly Language Development System (ALDS) from Omicron Microsystems has an assembler featuring label-based assembly and will accept lowercase text and binary numbers, as well as decimal and hex. The translator converts source code files between different assembler formats, even adding or stripping line numbers where needed. The disassembler will disassemble object code from memory, disk files, or disk sectors in single or double density, with or without the three link bytes at the end of each sector. Sample files include the source code for the translator.
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