Compute! Issue 55 - December 1984
- Controlling Your Home By Computer by Sharon Darling
- Personal Finance Made Simple by Kathy Yakal
- MSX Is Coming: Part 1 by Tom R. Halfhill, Selby Bateman
- Things in the Dark by Scott Baker
- Chess by John Krause
- Review: Enchanter by Marc Berman
- Review: Logo For The 64 by Andrew Keith
- Review: Microsoft Flight Simulator for PC & PCjr by David Florance
- Review: DataPlus-PC by Darryl G. Linkow
- Editor's Notes by Robert Lock
- Readers' Feedback New Life For Old Ribbons by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback IBM PC/PCjr BASIC Compatibility by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Commodore Comma Conflicts by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Printer Interface Graffiti by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Atari XL Super POKEs by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Disabling Apple's RESET Key by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Commodore Tape Sequential Access by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Apple/Okidata Graphics Printing by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback IBM PC & PCjr Magazine Correction by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback TV And Tape Interaction by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Commodore Secondary Addresses by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Atari 800XL Memory Expansion by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Commodore Plus/4 Peripherals by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Atari Attract Mode by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Microsoft BASIC Variable Annihilation by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Commodore Repair Tips by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Backing Up the Atari Macro Assembler by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Apple Trigonometry by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback TI-99/4A Character Memory by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Atari USR by The Editors and Readers of Compute!
- The World Inside The Computer Muppet Roundup by Fred D'Ignazio
- The Beginner's Page Learning to Program by Tom R. Halfhill
- Computers and Society Of Cats Kids and Computers by David D. Thornburg
- Telecomputing Today by Arlan R. Levitan
- Machine Language A Simple Sort by Jim Butterfield
- IBM Personal Computing Christmas Shopping for an IBM by Donald B. Trivette
- Insight: Atari by Bill Wilkinson
- Programming the TI Multiplication Maze by C. Regena
- 64 Paintbox by Chris Metcalf
- VIC Music Maker by Frank Colosimo
- Applesoft Searcher by Ilan Reuben
- Conic Curve Plotter by Lam-hing Wong
- The Basics of Commodore 64 Hi-Res Graphics by David Martin
- Atari's "Hidden" Character Modes by Sheldon Leemon
- IBM Personalized Form Letters by Donald B. Trivette
- News & Products Dual Mode Dot-Matric Printer
- News & Products Health Monitoring System for Apple, IBM
- News & Products Commodore Magazine Indexes
- News & Products Panzer-Jadg Strategy Game for 64, Atari
- News & Products Jane: Integrated Software For Apple IIc
- News & Products CARD?AT Parallel Printer Interface For Atari
- News & Products Memory Expansion, Mouse For PCjr
- News & Products Your Personal Net Worth: Home Financial Management Software
- News & Products Robots of Dawn: Text Adventure For Commodore, Atari, Apple, IBM
- News & Products Atari to CP/M Computer Interface
- Capute! Fixes for Atari Canyon Runner and VIC Horse Racing
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