Compute! Issue 77 - October 1986
- A Great Year for Games by Selby Bateman
- Habitat: A Look at the Future of Online Games by Kathy Yakal
- Prisonball by John Scarborough
- Lumpies of Lotis IV by John Klein, Jeff Klein
- Pyramid Power for the Amiga by Mike Lightstone
- The Pawn for Atari ST by Neil Randall
- Autoduel by James V. Trunzo
- ArcticFox for Amiga by Robert J. Stumpf
- Paul Whitehead Teaches Chess by Larry Krengel
- Brimstone by Neil Randall
- Fooblitzky by James V. Trunzo
- Gulf Strike by Michael B. Williams
- The Editor's Notes by Robert Lock
- Readers' Feedback Defining Power by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback BASIC Orphans by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback File Modes In SpeedCalc And SpeedScript by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Tandy/PCjr Enhancement For "Screen Machine II" by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Numeric Keypad in 64 Mode by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Atari Unlist by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Apple Renumber And Merge by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback IBM Custom Characters by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Cleaner Atari INPUT by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Standard RGB Monitor with Atari ST? by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Programming the TI More Solitaire by C. Regena
- The World Inside the Computer Boy Shoppin' with Taunnie Howery by Fred D'Ignazio
- Computers and Society A Nation of Thieves? by David D. Thornburg
- Telecomputing Today Fighting the Bloat Factor by Arlan R. Levitan
- The Beginner's Page The Many Faces of PRINT by C. Regena
- ST Outlook The New ST BASIC by Philip I. Nelson
- IBM Personal Computing Root Computing by Donald B. Trivette
- AmigaView Getting Online by Charles Brannon
- INSIGHT: Atari A Special RAMdisk for the 800XL by Bill Wilkinson
- Design 64 by Joseph Sexton
- Amiga Math Graphics by Warren Block
- Atari Fractal Dragons by Dennis E. Hamilton
- Boot 64 for 128 by Mike Tranchemontagne
- High-Speed String Sort for Atari BASIC by Everett Hutchison
- TurboDisk for DOS 3.3 by R. Ellerbrock
- PC Mini-Assembler by Georg Zimmer
- Mozart Magic by James Bagley
- ST Reversi by Kevin Mykytyn
- Commodore 128 Machine Language, Part 3 by Jim Butterfield
- 64 Screen Splitter by Lou Goldstein
- News & Products
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