Compute! Issue 88 - September 1987
- Computers in the Classroom: Ten Years and Counting by Keith Ferrell
- Computers in the Classroom Part I: How It Was by Keith Ferrell
- Computers in the Classroom Part II: Current Trends by Keith Ferrell
- Computers in the Classroom Part III: The Next 10 Years by Keith Ferrell
- Computer Learning Month: An Enthusiastic Start by Selby Bateman
- Monte Carlo by Thomas C. Carlson
- I Didn't Know You Could Do That with a Computer! by Dan Gutman
- ProWrite for the Amiga by Ervin Bobo
- Tornado Notes by Keith Farrell
- Warship by Neil Randall
- PHM Pegasus by James V. Trunzo
- Create a Calendar by Ervin Bobo
- The Editor's Notes by Richard Mansfield
- Readers' Feedback Colorful Text by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Serial Printing with SpeedScript by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback An Atari Adventure by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback ST Reference Books by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Transferring Files From Commodore to IBM PC by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Two Chores at Once by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- Readers' Feedback Compiled Applesoft? by Editors And Readers Of Compute!
- The Beginner's Page Interactive Programming by C. Regena
- The World Inside the Computer Music, Video, and FOR-NEXT Loops by Fred D'Ignazio
- Microscope The Micros Market Gets Serious by Sheldon Leemon
- Telecomputing Today Just When You Thought It Was Safe by Arlan R. Levitan
- Computers and Society The Classroom Computer--A Tool for Teachers by David D. Thornburg
- INSIGHT: Atari Machine Language Graphics by Bill Wilkinson
- ST Outlook One Last Bug by Philip I. Nelson
- IBM Personal Computing Creating a Blues Symphony by Donald B. Trivette
- AmigaView The Great Amiga Reboot by Sheldon Leemon
- Smart Alec by Ronald Carnell
- QuickChange: Easy Color Setting for the IBM PC/PCjr by Paul W. Carlson
- Atari BASIC Search and Display by Bruce Fenster
- Audio Recorder for Apple II by Wing Shum
- Amiga SuperMenus by Rick Du Chateau
- Atari XL/XE Hidden RAM by Ronald R. Lambert
- Amiga and 64 Ramdisk Files by Jim Butterfield
- Applesoft Line Lister by Bruce E. Howell D.D.S
- 64+ by Barry L. Camp
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