Compute! Issue 8 - January 1981
- The Editor's Notes COMDEX '80 by Robert Lock
- The Reader's Feedback by Robert Lock
- An Interview With Dr. Chip by Robert Lock
- VIC! Commodore VIC unveiled in Las Vegas by Larry Isaacs
- Computers and Society by David D. Thornburg
- Basically Useful BASIC Financial Fuzzies by Jim Butterfield
- Spend Time, Save Money by B.J. Deemer
- Micros With The Handicapped by Susan Semancik
- Kids For Computers by Alan B. Walker
- The Mysterious And Unpredictable RND Part 1 by Bob Albrecht, George Firedrake
- Cursor Classifications Revisited by Marlene R. Pratto
- Stat Lab: Analysis of Variance by A. Wachtel
- Odds and Ends PET cassette tape by Jim Butterfield
- Review The Microcomputer Index by Robert Lock
- Load PET Program Tapes Into The Apple II by Keith Falkner
- Review The Musicsystem by Keith Harrell
- Programming and Interfacing The Apple, With Experiments by Marvin L. De Jong
- Player-Missile Graphics With The Atari Personal Computer System by Chris Crawford
- Al Baker's Programming Hints: Atari The Fluid Brush by Al Baker
- An Atari Tutorial: Atari Disc Menu by Len Lindsay
- Using the Atari Console Switches by James L. Bruun
- The Atari Disk Operating System by Roger Beseke
- Atari Sounds Tutorial by Jerry White
- A 6502 Disassembler by Thomas G. Gordon
- Review The First Book Of Ohio Scientific Vol I by Charles L. Stanford
- A Small Operating System: OS65D, The Kernel by T.R. Berger
- OSI C1P Fast Screen Clears Revisited by Charles L. Stanford
- The Screen Squeeze Fix For CBM 8000 by Richard Mansfield
- Hooray For SYS by Harvey B. Herman
- Machine Language Scanning The Stack by Jim Butterfield
- Book Reviews: The Pet Revealed and Library of Pet Subroutines by Elizabeth Deal
- Review: A Visible Music Monitor by Arthur B. Hunkins
- Review: Disk-O-Pro by Jim Butterfield
- Detecting Loading Problems and Correcting Alignment On Your PET by Dan Isaacson
- Spooling For PET With 2040 Disk Drive by T.M. Peterson
- Variable Dump For New ROM Pets by Frank R. Levinson
- The 32K Bug by Earl H. Wuchter
- An "Ideal" Machine Language Save For The Pet by Arthur C. Hudson
- PET Metronome by Elizabeth Deal
- The IEEE Bus: Standing Room Only? by Jim Butterfield
- PET/CBM IEEE Bus Error by Gary R. Huckell
- The Single-Board 6502 by Eric Rehnke
- Caveat Interruptor, Or: Placating A Rebellious KIM Without Sacrificing Ram by Philip K. Hooper
- Communication! by Dann McCreary
- Book Review: Son of Cheap Video by Harvey B. Herman
- Review Disk Operating System for KIM by Harvey B. Herman
- Expanding KIM-Style 6502 Single Board Computers by Hal Chamberlin
- CAPUTE! Recent Goofs
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