Compute! Issue 80 - January 1987
- The Great Graphics Leap by Philip I. Nelson
- A Buyers Guide to Computer Paint Programs
- Chain Reaction by MarkTuttle
- World Tour Golf for the IBM PC by Chris Many
- Rogue: A Dungeon Adventure by Robert J Stumpf
- Castles and Creatures by Karen McCullough
- Battlefront by Chris Many
- The Editors Notes by Robert C. Lock
- Readers Feedback 128 Merge Command by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback An American Computer In Paris by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback Atari Disk Unfix by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback Dateline Zimbabwe by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback Double Or Dual? by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback Language Translators by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback More About Ataris COM by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback Plus-4 Programmers Reference Guide by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback Singapore Commodores by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback ST Directory Update by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Readers Feedback Whatever Happened To Compatibility? by The Editors and Readers of COMPUTE
- Computers and Society The Computerized Word by David D. Thomburg
- The World Inside The Computer Computers for Adult Literacy by Fred Dlgnazio
- The Beginners Page DATA Statements by C. Regena
- Telecomputing Today The Years to Come by Arlan R. Levitan
- Microscope by Sheldon Leemon
- IBM Personal Computing QuickBASIC by Donald B. Trivette
- ST Outlook The Best ST BASIC? by Philip I. Nelson
- INSIGHT: Atari Controlling Keyboard Output by Bill Wilkinson
- Commodore 128 Machine Language, Part 6 by Jim Butterfield
- Music Maker 64 by Martin F Staley
- Printer Master by David Stanton
- ML Write for Atari by Danny Maupin
- QuickScreen for the IBM PC-PCjr by Paul W Carlson
- Apple DOS 3.3 Wildcards by Mark Russinovich
- XMODEM: File Transfer for Commodore 64 and 128 by Bert Kerkhof
- Disk Fix for IBM PC-PCjr by Bradley Franklin
- FastKey by Ronald Cornell
- Unsplat by Ronald Cornell
- News and Products Electronic Greetings
- News and Products Commodore Video Digitizer
- News and Products DEGAS Elite For The ST
- News and Products New Stickybear Apple Programs
- News and Products Pick Your Perfect College
- News and Products Space Battle Simulation
- CAPUTE Modifications or Corrections to Previous Articles
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