A.N.A.L.O.G. Issue 79 - December 1989
- DIR3 Finally, a three across directory utility. Youll never again have the filenames scroll off the screen. by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff
- Turtle Grooves On a track made up of movable tiles is challenge enough-but how will you fare with two marbles? Three? This commercial-quality game includes an editor for creating your own screens. by Greg Knauss
- Assembler/Editor Reference, Part 2 The complete overview of the commands and functions of the Atari Assembler/Editor cartridge is concluded. by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff
- Skyriser It aint easy to build a skyscraper. Its even tougher when you have to beat the competition. by Frank Martone
- Access To Computers How one Atari club brings smiles to the faces of underprivileged children. by Tom Arterburn
- Dialog Boxes With GFA BASIC 3.0 Part 2 of this helpful tutorial completes our discussion of this segment of GEM programming with GFA BASIC. by David Plotkin
- Truchet Tiles A Fascinating Look At A Graphics System Designed To Portray Binary Data In Visual Form. by Frank Kweder
- Software Engineering: Development Life Cycles Various types of software-development cycles are discussed in this months installment of the popular series. by Karl E. Wiegers
- Massaging Your Megafile Everything you need to know to more than double the storage capacity of your Megafile 20 hard drive. by Gregg Anderson
- The Degas Elite Image Generator This desk accessory communicates directly with DEGAS Elite, allowing you to create image data files from your pictures. by Robert Birmingham, Richard Leinecker
- HiSoft BASIC by Ian Chadwick
- The ST Gameshelf This month, Lost Dutchman Mine, Battle Chess, World Karate Championship, Renegade and Thunder Blade. by Peter A. Smith, Frank Eva, Steve Panak
- Summer Games by Matthew J.W. Ratcliff
- Database DELPHI by Michael A. Banks
- The End User by Arthur Leyenberger
- C-manship by Clayton Walnum
- Personal Publisher by Donavan Vicha
- Ian's Quest by Ian Chadwick
- From Over the Big Water by Marshal M. Rosenthal
- The Compukid Connection by D.A. Brumleve
- Boot Camp by Frank Cohen
- BASIC Training by Clayton Walnum
- Editorial by Frank Cohen
- Reader Comment A Thank-You by Ken Springer
- Reader Comment Users Groups, Where Art Thou? by Edward Brown
- Reader Comment DVT vs. ICD by Tom D. Harker
- Reader Comment Convertor Problems ...The Doc Replies by Dave Faxon, Lee S. Brilliant
- Reader Comment Magniwriter Appreciation by Sam Wells
- News Clips Atari Donation
- News Clips Music Software
- News Clips Atari Go-Go
- News Clips Tractor Tape
- News Clips New Release From Psygnosis
- Disk Contents
- Footnotes by Karl E. Wiegers
- ST Gossip From Hollywood
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