Compute! Issue 9 - February 1981
- The Editor's Notes by Robert Lock
- Beginner's Guide To COMPUTE!
- The Reader's Feedback by Robert Lock
- Writing For COMPUTE!
- Business Applications Analysis: The Missing Step by Hal Wadleigh
- LED — A Line-Oriented Text Editor by Arnie Lee
- Review: The Atari 825 Printer by Robert W Baker
- Simulated PRINT USING by Jim Butterfield
- The Mysterious And Unpredictable RND Part 2 by Bob Albrecht, George Firedrake
- Stat Lab by A Wachtel
- A BCD To Floating-Point Binary Routine by Marvin L DeJong
- Basic Math For Fun And Profit by JR Lowell
- PET Spelling Lessons Your Students Can Prepare by Tory Esbensen
- List Apple Integer Basic Programs One Page At A Time by Keith Falkner
- The 25¢ Apple II Real Time Clock by Erann Gat
- Ticker Tape Atari Messages by Eric Martell, Chris Murdock
- Atari Colors And Sounds With Paddles by Arthur Schreibman
- Atari As Terminal: A Short Communications Program by Henrique Veludo
- Character Generation On The Atari by Charles Brannon
- The Atari Hall Of Fame: Iridis, Founding Member by Craig Patchett
- Review: Atari Music Composer by Jerry White
- Put A Printer On The Atari Ports by C Kingston
- Double-Density Graphing On The OSI C1P by Gary Boden
- A Small Operating System: OS65D, The Kernel Part 2 of 3 by Tom R Berger
- Book Review: Servicing Data For Computer Boards 600 And 610 by Charles L Stanford
- Contour Plotting by Neal E Reid
- Relocate by R D Young
- Mixing And Matching Commodore Disk Systems by Jim Butterfield
- Memory Calendar by Peter Spencer
- Crash Prevention For The PET by Elizabeth Deal
- Machine Language Printer Command by Zoltan Szepesi
- Odds & Ends On PET/CBM Files by Jim Butterfield
- Three PET Tricks by John F Garst
- Review PASCAL On The PET by A J Bruey
- Review The PEDISK by Dr J A Dilts
- Review A Disk Operating System For The CGRS PEDISK by Dr J A Dilts
- A Terminal For KAOS: (Kim, Aim, OSI, Sym) by Bruce Land
- SYMple Clock by A M MacKay
- Expanding KIM-Style 6502 Single-Board Computers Part 2 of 3: The Great Experiment by Hal Chamberlin
- Load And Save KIM Basic Programs On Your SYM by George Wells
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